Best Management Practice intellectual property has now transferred to the Cabinet Office
Jon Nelson IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
January 25, 2016
The message below is from the Cabinet Office. To formalize the move of the Best Management Practice portfolio from the Office of Government Commerce*, the related trademarks and crown copyright have now been transferred to the Cabinet Office. The portfolio of guidance continues to be supported through the existing commercial arrangements for services in publishing and accreditation of qualification, training and consultancy services. The Best Management Practice brand entity is not affected as part of this move. The Cabinet Office wishes to minimize the pressure on the community to initiate any changes required due to this transfer. As such, there will be long lead times to help the community update their associated materials and communication channels. Further guidance and updates will be provided over the summer to confirm the actions required and provide time for the community to plan accordingly. No action is required at this time. * The Office of Government Commerce (OGC), former owner of Best Management Practice, has been the custodian of the portfolio on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government (HMG) since 2000. In June 2010 the Minister for the Cabinet Office announced a reorganization of some Government activities and confirmed that the Best Management Practice functions have moved into Cabinet Office, part of HM Government.
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